YRT - Young Researchers Team

Leader: Roxana Vasilescu (FR)

Co-leader: Alessandra Insana  (IT)

The Young Researchers Team (YRT) is a dynamic group of emerging scientists and engineers dedicated to the study and the large scale development and implementation of energy geostructures. 

The mission of the Young Researchers Team is to foster a collaborative and innovative environment for young researchers to develop their skills, share knowledge, and contribute to the field of energy geostructures. The team aims to:

  • Conduct cutting-edge research on energy geostructure.
  • Develop new methodologies and technologies for studying and implementing energy geostructures.
  • Promote interdisciplinary collaboration among young scientists from different fields.
  • Engage with the broader scientific community and the public to raise awareness about the importance of energy geostructures.


  • Workshops and Training: The team  participates in the organization of workshops, seminars, and training sessions to help members acquire new skills and stay updated with the latest advancements in energy geostructure research.
  • Networking and Collaboration: The team provides opportunities for young researchers to network with peers, mentors, and experts in the field through conferences and collaborative projects.
  • Public Outreach: Committed to engaging with the public, the team participates in educational programs, outreach events, and social media initiatives to share findings and highlight the significance of energy geostructures in ecosystems.